台湾永进 台湾永进机械 台湾永进工业机械 台湾永进机械工业股份有限公司,创立于1954年,累积超过六十年工具机专业制造技术,为台湾第一家荣获商品检验标准局颁发ISO-9001品保系统认证的工具机制造厂。以「品质、技术、服务、交期」为核心价值,运用独有的YCMPS生产模式,提供客户优质产品、快速服务及准确交期。 台湾永进秉持「追求最佳,永无止进」的经营理念,不断提升「自制率」,目前已领先台湾其它工具机厂,成功开发出五轴头及自制分度盘。 永进机械的数控小组在软件设计上也有相当的成就,至今已设计出「i-Operation Plus」及「i-Direct」自制软件并成功运用在许多永进的机台。在热补偿方面,独创的「STC PLUS」与「STC SUPER」热补偿系统,大幅缩短机台暖机时间,使机台可应用在无空调的作业环境中,减低温室效应。 台湾永进高解析智能型热补偿方法在近期更是获得专利认证的肯定。 台湾永进机械坚持植入最卓越的技术于生产在线的每道关卡,投入大笔资源与人力建造铸造厂、加工厂及装配厂。铸造厂的设备是由德国原装进口,生产刚性极高的米汉那铸铁。每一块铸铁皆经过数种制程程序,例如:高压喷冲、退火处理以及应力消除,有效确保每块铸铁的稳定性。 加工厂方面,为了生产一流的机器,永进机械也特地引进了世界一流的加工设备,永进特地采购了YASDA搪床设备及STUDER圆桶磨床,近年来更采购了SUMITOMO磨床来进行加工,并且全过程在恒温的环境下进行加工,以确保机台的高质量、高精度。 装配厂里,则独自研发出后拉式生产的「一片流生产模式」。后拉式生产即是后工程在必要时,自前工程领取必要的数量,前工程则依照被领取的顺序生产被后工程领走的数量,并配合先进先出的模式进行管理,形成一片流生产模式。如此一来可确保交期、质量及降低库存。 台湾永进机械建构了一个完整的经销网络,在全球各地40多个国家建立起超过50个服务据点,提供客户快速满意的售后服务。除了在大陆设置组装厂,就近服务大陆顾客外,并且于马来西亚成立技术中心,拉进永进与东南亚客户的距离。永进更在欧洲设立发货仓库,以期满足欧洲客户迅速取货,把握商机的需求。
Specializing in: Taiwan Yongjin, Yongjin machinery, Taiwan Yongjin machinery, Yongjin machine tool .
Taiwan Yongjin machinery, Taiwan Yongjin industrial machinery, Taiwan Yongjin Machinery Industry Co., Ltd., founded in 1954, has accumulated more than 60 years of professional manufacturing technology of tool machines, It is the first tool machine manufacturer in Taiwan to win the ISO-9001 quality assurance system certification issued by the commodity inspection and Standards Bureau. Take "quality, technology, service and delivery" as the core value and use the unique ycmps production mode to provide customers with high-quality products, fast service and accurate delivery. Taiwan Yongjin adheres to the business philosophy of "pursuing the best and never stop" and continuously improves the "self-control rate". At present, it has successfully developed five axle head and self-made indexing disc ahead of other tool machine factories in Taiwan. The NC team of Yongjin machinery has also made considerable achievements in software design. So far, it has designed "I-operation plus" and "i-direct" self-made software and successfully applied them to many Yongjin machines. In terms of thermal compensation, the original "STC plus" and "STC super" thermal compensation systems greatly shorten the warm-up time of the machine, so that the machine can be applied in the working environment without air conditioning and reduce the greenhouse effect. Taiwan Yongjin high resolution intelligent thermal compensation method has been affirmed by patent certification in the near future. Taiwan Yongjin machinery insists on implanting the most excellent technology into every checkpoint of the production line, and investing a lot of resources and manpower to build foundries, processing plants and assembly plants. The equipment of the foundry is imported from Germany to produce mihanna cast iron with high rigidity. Each piece of cast iron goes through several process procedures, such as high-pressure spray punching, annealing and stress relief, so as to effectively ensure the stability of each piece of cast iron. In terms of processing plants, in order to produce first-class machines, Yongjin machinery has also specially introduced world-class processing equipment. Yongjin has specially purchased yasda lining equipment and student barrel grinder. In recent years, it has also purchased Sumitomo grinder for processing, and the whole process is processed in a constant temperature environment to ensure the high quality and high precision of the machine. In the assembly plant, the "one-piece flow production mode" of backward pull production has been independently developed. Backward pull production refers to the post project. When necessary, the pre project receives the necessary quantity from the pre project. The pre project produces the quantity taken by the post project in the order of being received, and manages it with the first in first out mode to form a one-piece flow production mode. This ensures delivery time, quality and reduces inventory. Taiwan Yongjin machinery has built a complete distribution network and established more than 50 service bases in more than 40 countries around the world to provide customers with fast and satisfactory after-sales service. In addition to setting up assembly plants in the mainland to serve mainland customers nearby, a technology center was established in Malaysia to bring Yongjin closer to customers in Southeast Asia. Yongjin also set up a delivery warehouse in Europe to meet the needs of European customers to pick up goods quickly and grasp business opportunities.